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Saint Agatha Faith Formation


Saint Agatha offers many opportunites for Faith Formation.  Our call to become mature disciples means that we never "Graduate" from formation in the faith.  Saint Agatha Parish has opportunties for ongoing faith formation for all people beginning at three years of age and continuing for a lifetime.  The principal structured areas of Faith Formation take place on Sunday following the 9 AM Mass.  

Youth Faith Formation [CCD]

Our Youth Faith Formation(CCD) suppliments the Faith Formation that a child should be recieving at home.  Our Youth Faith Formation begins as early as age 3 and every child should be enrolled by Kindagarden.  The Youth Faith Formation classes meet on Sunday morning at 10:30 AM following Mass and breakfast.

RCIA - For Those Who are Intrested in the Catholic Faith

RCIA is a class that is offered to anyone intersted in learning more about the Catholic Faith.  It is an opportunity to learn the basic teachings of the Catholic Faith and also provides a chance to ask questions to people who have recently become Catholic and to those who have been Catholic for life.  The RCIA Class meets on Sundays at 2:00 PM in the Parish Hall.

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